My Goal to FORCE fiscal responsibilty on Congress

My objective with this campaign is to establish a plan for the financial stability and safety of our Federal Government. While I have many objectives for our government at all levels, this is in my mind the most critical to protecting our way of life. It requires a Constitutional Amendment, which would be fought by most of Congress. I need your support to pressure them into considering this seriously, and for those that do not, remove them from their offices.

My amendment reads as follows:

1) The Federal Budget may not exceed 80% of anticipated revenue for any single year. 20% of the budget is to be applied to principal of the National Debt, as long as it exists, after which this amount will be used for Social Security.

2) Congress may allocate an additional 10% of revenue during that year for emergency funding by a 3/4 majority vote.

Statistics and Numbers

According to the US Treasury, as of Oct 31st, 2010, the National Debt is $13,668,825,000,000 ($13.67T).
This is $44,003 per PERSON living in the US. That's 310,634,295 people in the US according to For my family of 6, that equates to $264,018, more than the value of my home.

For the Federal Government to continue operating they way they are now, if this amendment were in place, they would have to increase taxes by $4,000 per person. Would you allow your representatives to stay in office if they raised taxes that much?

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

10th Amendment of the Constitution

Many have heard quoted portions of the 10th Amendment, but do not know how it reads....

"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."

The Federal Government has only been limited twice by the Supreme Court of violating this. It's time that we assert our influence and (I wish) get Congress to clarify the 10th Amendment to limits the US Governments powers even more.

The Democrats are on a power grab and want to do more. If you've been watching the news about increasing the debt ceiling and the ensuing fight, it's important to note that the Republicans want to cut more spending, though nearly not enough, while the Democrats don't.

Tariff Changes

I'd like to recommend, with the changes that the US Government wants to make to energy conscious goods, to have higher tarifs for imported goods that are NOT energy efficient. That would allow American companies that produce these non-efficient goods to still provide those goods and remain competitive.