My Goal to FORCE fiscal responsibilty on Congress

My objective with this campaign is to establish a plan for the financial stability and safety of our Federal Government. While I have many objectives for our government at all levels, this is in my mind the most critical to protecting our way of life. It requires a Constitutional Amendment, which would be fought by most of Congress. I need your support to pressure them into considering this seriously, and for those that do not, remove them from their offices.

My amendment reads as follows:

1) The Federal Budget may not exceed 80% of anticipated revenue for any single year. 20% of the budget is to be applied to principal of the National Debt, as long as it exists, after which this amount will be used for Social Security.

2) Congress may allocate an additional 10% of revenue during that year for emergency funding by a 3/4 majority vote.

Statistics and Numbers

According to the US Treasury, as of Oct 31st, 2010, the National Debt is $13,668,825,000,000 ($13.67T).
This is $44,003 per PERSON living in the US. That's 310,634,295 people in the US according to For my family of 6, that equates to $264,018, more than the value of my home.

For the Federal Government to continue operating they way they are now, if this amendment were in place, they would have to increase taxes by $4,000 per person. Would you allow your representatives to stay in office if they raised taxes that much?

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Emailing Bill O'Reilly

So, I figure that I am a fan of The O'Reilly Factor and if I'm going to get good feedback, I should get out there a little more, so I composed an email and sent it to him. I know that he gets a lot of emails and I'm unlikely to get past a staff person, but it's a shot. I'm including the email below for you to peruse. I'd like to hear any opinions on the subject, if you have them.

Mr. Bill O'Reilly,

First, I'd like to say that while the economy is tight, I don't have any cable/dish service and therefore don't have the opportunity to watch your show regularly. I have read most of your books and enjoy your show when I have the chance.
* Not that Bill will every really read MY humble email *

Second, you state that you have a decent collection of historical documents that you've gathered. Would you consider allowing Google to scan and make those online for anyone interested in history and their own research? I do not have influence with Google to say whether they would be interested, but I doubt they would turn you down with rare documents that have historical value and making them available online at Google Books, for posterity's sake.

Third, I'd like to know what you think the value of the dollar would change if an amendment were made to FORCE the Federal Government to balance it's budget and pay off the debt. I mean, confidence and buying power would increase, the strength of the USD would go up on global commodities and products, but how much and over how long of a period? I have a blog (modest and conservative) promoting citizen implemented control over government spending ( This is a 30 year plan and I think that there would be a instant value and confidence increase in the dollar, what do you think of this radical plan that has literally NO chance of actually being made law.

But, for us little guys that dream big, nothing happens if we don't do anything. It's a slim chance, I just feel that something dramatic has to change if we're to prevent a total trauma to the system. We have become so desensitized to the government spending "another trillion" that most people don't realize that means over $3000 per person. With this amendment in place, our lawmakers would HAVE to tax that out of us and people WOULD care at that point. I think it would eliminate some of the political apathy that we're experiencing in our country right now.

I have some drastic measures to make this happen, but most of it goes to preventing the government from giving or donating money to businesses, charities, and trimming social programs (even scaling to income). It would force government to be more judicious in their invasiveness into our homes, cars and businesses.

I'd like to have your feedback on the amendment, whether it's a good thing or not and feasibility.

Thank you.

So, there it is. Let's see where it goes from here....

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